They are the champions, my friends.
the final
WOW! We have never EVER had a Final that came down to one question - and we have never ever had a Final where so many prizes were decided by the tiebreaker! In the end, Skylark’s very own QUIZ IN MY PANTS won their second Quizfix Tournament Final, joining 100 Problems, Arsenic and Lee Pace, and Bed Bath & Your Mom as multiple Final champions. Congrats to them!
Second place went to the mighty two-person team DUBS (Berliner Pub) followed by the aforementioned trivia legends ARSENIC AND LEE PACE (Skylark Cafe) and the new-kids-on-the-block CONTINENTAL DRIFT (Rough & Tumble).
Big thanks to the Skylark Cafe and the Berliner Beerhall for letting us take over their space on a Sunday afternoon, our intrepid hosts and scorekeepers Kat, Nicholas, Robert, and Rory, and to everyone who played their hearts and brains out.
Next tournament coming in June!