Quizfix is proud to introduce our newest game BOSS LEVEL, a deep-dive quiz into one subject - played for cash prizes!

Our first Boss Level quiz was on the television show The Office. 100+ players showed up to show off their extensive Office knowledge. It was a crazy night at The Skylark Cafe in West Seattle - we want to thank everyone who came and played, and thank The Skylark for letting us invade their space with genuine Office nerds.

Wanna know when the next Boss Level quiz is? Get on the Quizfix mailing list today!


GRAND PRIZE WINNERS:  Prison Mike and The Dementors

GRAND PRIZE WINNERS: Prison Mike and The Dementors

2ND PLACE: Team Voldemort

2ND PLACE: Team Voldemort

3RD PLACE: You, Me, Bars, Beers, Buzzed. Wings. Shots. Drunk. Waitresses, Hot. Football - Cornell/Hofstra. Slaughter.

3RD PLACE: You, Me, Bars, Beers, Buzzed. Wings. Shots. Drunk. Waitresses, Hot. Football - Cornell/Hofstra. Slaughter.